Testmonial · 18. April 2020
I tried several therapies but nothing opened me up like this theta healing session with Patricia. Megan, New York
Testmonial · 02. March 2020
Patricia erklärte während der Sitzung ganz genau was sie gerade macht. Ich spürte auch ganz genau was sie gerade tat bei der Chakren- Reinigung. Z.b. fühlte ich Wärme an den Stellen an dem das Chakra welches gerade gereinigt wird sitzt. Beim Austauschen der Glaubenssätze empfand ich große Erleichterung, ich fühlte mich freier. Die Sitzung hat sehr große Last von mir genommen. Marco, Freising
Kryon teachings · 25. February 2020
What the healer really does is “increase the efficiency at which DNA communicates to the body. So the very best a healer can do is to work with that frequency, or vibration or whatever it represents in a multidimensional state. (Kryon Book 12)
Kryon teachings · 27. December 2019
When I speak of DNA-Activation, I mean giving awareness to your esoteric DNA. With awareness comes activation of DNA. It simply means changing your frequency in the body. With the DNA Activation we awake our self healing power. The DNA-Activation allows us to survive the enviromental poisens created by man, as well accelerates our psychic senses, Regarding to the teachings of Kryon (a beautiful energy channeled from Lee Caroll) we have twelve layers or energies around our DNA. To the scientist,...
Testmonial · 23. May 2019
Patricia and I crossed path at a time in my life where I felt hopelessly lost and severely depressed. I always felt somehow disconnected to myself and lacked a clear sense of who I was and where I wanted to go in life. And around that time all this came crashing down on me. The sessions with her initiated a journey of self discovery that was so powerful that now a year later I can say I feel a lot more grounded, with a much clearer idea of who I am and what I stand for and in love with myself...